Training with Global Family Yoga

Training children's and family yoga teachers since 2004. 

The Essentials of Teaching Yoga to Children

This course is the online version of our comprehensive Children's Yoga Specialty Training. We'll teach you the deeper science of Yoga. And, we'll show you how simple it can be to share with the children in your life.

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Anxious to Awesome™

The demand to support children moving through anxious feelings has never been greater. Learn our Anxious to Awesome™  system with specific tools to support children's mental health.

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Teach Yoga to Families 

Finding time for fitness, family fun and a chance to relax can be a challenge. In Family Yoga classes, they are all rolled into one.

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Toddler Time Yoga 

Toddler classes are different than other children's yoga classes. From tuning in to the closing song, you will get the step-by-step structure of a successful Toddler Time Yoga class.

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Yoga Nidra for Children 

Yoga Nidra is a form of mindfulness training in which a person is guided through the different layers of the whole person – physical, energetic, emotional, mental and pure being. It is a transformative practice with profound benefits.

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Yoga Games for Children 

Two of the biggest challenges for Yoga teachers are keeping potentially distracted kids engaged and coming up with ideas for class. This online Games Workshop takes care of both!

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What students are saying...

“ I have benefited so much from this course (Toddler Time Yoga). The course is very comprehensive and practical.  It covers everything from the developmental stages of the different ages within a toddler class, to how to promote your yoga class. I almost wish I had taken the course before I had children as it would have made me more ready for the everyday dealing with the children - beyond just the yoga class setting.”

Rania R., Cave Spring, VA

“This was an excellent course (Yoga Nidra for Children). I think the concept of Yoga Nidra is a hugely important part of the practice of yoga. I have used it in my adult classes and taking this course was an excellent resource that I now have to use when I teach children. I found the course to be very well organized and user friendly. Thank you!”

Deb J, Franklin, WI

"I really enjoyed this training (Teach Yoga to Families). It reinforced approaches I already take with my families as well as provided new insights, frameworks, approaches, activities, etc. for me to integrate into my classes. I feel that I have a more solid foundation for my family yoga classes and I have more confidence in what I am doing. I am so glad that I took it!"

Barbara L, Newark, DE 


outlining our proven methods for sharing Yoga with children.

You'll also get occasional tools, tips and techniques that make sharing Yoga with children safe, effective & fun!