Leaning Into The Light
Jun 21, 2016
For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, today is the longest day – the most light we get all year. The summer solstice allows us to shine. Since we are a reflection of nature, and nature of us, this long day allows us to more fully experience our Light.
Light is not just a metaphor for awareness or consciousness, it IS awareness. There is this fluid range of language we use to talk about this – awareness, Yoga, consciousness, spirituality, Light.
Living in tune with the cycles of nature is a big part of living a Yoga lifestyle. Nature is constantly changing and so are we. And yet, there is a part of us that is unchanging. Like the sun that does not move, does not wax or wane, and is ever present shining on all that IS equally, there is a part of us that is this way too. Aligning with nature is aligning with our self.
So, on this day of most light, there are several things both you and the kids in your life can do to both honor and experience it. One is to simply feel the sun on your skin. Get outside, take a deep breath and smile at the sun. Another is to sit with your own light. This shift from one season to the next is a great time to practice stillness and silence. Close your eyes, breathe and feel that light shining within you. If you regularly sit for 10 minutes, sit for 20 minutes today. If you haven’t yet cultivated a personal meditation practice for yourself, today is the perfect day to start!
Make friends with nature. While outside, acknowledge each and everything you see – every tree, every rock, the birds, the clouds, the stones on your path. Say to each one, “You are my favorite tree, YOU are my favorite little squirrel, etc. Notice how it feels to compliment nature. You can even say, “Namasté”, the Light in me honors the Light in you.
Dance to light-filled music. Here are a couple selections to get you started. When I think of sunshine, I think of Bob Marley, and one of my favorite tunes about Light is Three Little Birds or you can enjoy a nice long Grateful Dead jam of Turn On Your Lovelight.
The only thing needed to dispel darkness is light. To get rid of darkness in a room, we don’t try to push it away, we simply turn on the light. If you are feeling dark and dreary about anything within you, your family or society at large, your Light WILL dispel the darkness. A favorite meditation I use from my teacher, Rod Styker, called Meditation to Increase the Power of Soul on his Four Desires CD, can help you let your Lovelight shine!