How the Mind Helps the Body Relax
Aug 10, 2017
The mind has a powerful impact on the state of the body. The thoughts we hold can shift our physical body from a state of tension to calm - or the other way around.
Imagine a sunny day at the beach. There you are. No place to go, nothing to do. You wiggle your toes into the warm sand and gaze off at distant waves. Close your eyes and imagine this now. Take a few breaths and notice how your body feels.
Now imagine you are waiting at a bus stop in the city after dark. The rain coming down is just starting to freeze. You're late. Close your eyes and imagine this now. Take a few breaths and notice areas of tension or relaxation in your body.
Even though your body probably didn't move much and you’re still sitting in front of your computer, you likely felt a noticeable difference in the level of tension vs. calm in your body.
Funny thing is, we often aren't even aware what kinds of thoughts are running through our mind. But our body is. It is constantly picking up signals from the mind whether we know it or not.
Yoga teaches us to be more aware. We learn to watch our thoughts and shape them to cultivate peace and calm.
Next time you are feeling tense, take a moment to recall a beautiful experience in nature. Visualize the details; sights, sounds and smells. Take a few breaths and feel the tension melt away.